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Trà lá sấy khô Twinings Tea Discovery Collection Golden Caramel Rooibos - 100gram

Caramel flavour rooibos.
Vùng trồng địa lý / Location Africa & Arabia
Phân Loại / Type Trà trái cây & Thảo mộc
Giá: 390.000 ₫

Trà lá sấy khô Twinings Tea Discovery Collection Golden Caramel Rooibos - 100gram

Caffeine-free, rich Rooibos with a hint of sweet caramel flavor. Rooibos from the Cederberg and Olifantsrivier mountains of South Africa’s Western Cape is delicious in its own right.

But our Masterblenders sought a way of enhancing the sun-dried needle’s naturally rich depth of flavor. And they found a delicious one: a hint of caramel flavor. So now we have an indulgent, caffeine-free tea with just the right level of sweetness.

Rooibos meaning "red bush"; is a broom-like member of the Fabaceae family of plants growing in South Africa's fynbos.
The leaves are used to make a herbal tea that is called by the names: rooibosbush tea (especially in Southern Africa), or redbush tea(predominantly in Great Britain). The tea has been popular in Southern Africa for generations but is now consumed in many countries worldwide. It is sometimes spelled rooibos in accordance with the original Dutch. The tea has a taste and color somewhat similar to hibiscus tea, or an earthy flavor like yerba mate.
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Trà lá sấy khô Twinings Tea Discovery Collection Golden Caramel Rooibos - 100gram
Giá: 390.000 ₫
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